Thursday, October 15, 2009

What should you do before going to the doctor

During the time leading up to your appointment, start a list of things you want to discuss. Take notes. Write down questions and symptoms as soon as they occur to you. Plan to update your doctor about anything that has happened since your last visit. For example, you should let your health care provider know about a recent emergency room visit; a recent cold or other illness; any changes in your weight, sleep, energy level, or appetite; side effects from medication you may be taking; and any major stresses or changes in your life.

If you start an asthma diary, you might keep your "topics to discuss" list with that diary. This list will help jog your memory when you're at the doctor's office. On the day of your doctor's appointment, bring this list. Also bring your asthma diary and medications, including those prescribed by other health care providers and nonprescription drugs that you take regularly.

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